Monday, 23 October 2017

  Unit - 1
Oposite verbs:
whisper (susurrar) :to speak or say with soft, quiet, hushed sounds, esp. with little or no vibration of the vocal cords.

Shout (gritar): to call or cry out loudly.

Laugh (reír): to express amusement, mirth, pleasure, happiness, and sometimes disrespect or nervousness with a sound or sounds ranging from a loud burst to a series of quiet chuckles.

Extra vocabulary:

 Feather (pluma): one of the light, horny structures that form the principal covering of birds.

 Fountain (fuente): an artificial jet or stream of water that spouts from an opening or structure.

 Pavement (carretera): a paved surface or floor.

 Pillow (almohada): a cloth bag or case filled with feathers or other soft material, used to cushion the head during sleep or rest.

 Soap (jabón):a substance used for washing, made by treating a fat with an alkali.

Feelings adjetives:

Lonely (solitario):having or suffering from a depressing feeling caused by being alone lonesome.

Positive (solitario):confident in belief or in what one says sure. 

Relaxed (relajado):not worried;relieved from tension;loosened and no longer tight. 

Extra Vocabulary:

Asleep (adormilado):in or into a state of sleep.

Sick (enfermo):having ill health; not well.

Fake (falso):to create or produce (something) in order to mislead, deceive, or cheat others.


Cardboard (cartón):thin, stiff pasteboard, used for boxes, etc.
Cotton:a soft, white substance made up of the fibers of the seeds of plants of the mallow family, used in making fabrics.

Leather (cuero):the skin of an animal in which the hair has been removed and prepared by tanning or a similar process to preserve it and make it soft and easily shaped when dry.
Rubber(cuero):a highly elastic solid from the milky juice of rubber trees.
Silver:a white metallic element, used for making mirrors, coins, photographic chemicals, and conductors.

Wool(lana):the fine, soft, curly hair that forms the fleece of some animals, esp. sheep.
Can(lana):a container,
Envelope:Cover, pocket, a bag...

Tin:a package made of metal.


Field (campo: a pice of ground devoted to sports or concerts.
Stomach (estomago):a saclike part of the body where food is stored and partially digested.
Tool (herramienta):an implement, esp. one held in the hand, as a hammer, for performing a mechanical operation.

Cheerfu (feliz/alegre)l:full of cheer;happy;in good spirits.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Hello my name is Laura Calvo and I´m studing in I.E.S.O Tomás Bretón.